2013 Season - May 16 through October

Monday, January 11, 2010

Buckaroo Jake visits Elkin Creek Guest Ranch

So, looking back at last season, Elkin Creek Guest Ranch was delighted to host some very fascinating and entertaining guests. There is one in particular that I would love to tell you all about, a fellow who stayed with us this last September. He goes by the name of Jake Conkin. Yup, that's thee Jake Conkin, beloved children's author of the Little Jake western tales trilogy, which is being created into webisodes (animated snippets) as we speak. You may also recognize him from his kid's show 'The Buckaroo Jake and Calico Carol', which he co-produces with his wife. And lastly, he's made his mark in the western world through his talent for cowboy poetry, performing at events all over the United States and Canada. His book Silk 'n' Silver, was published in 1991 and has been featured in prestigious magazines such as 'American Cowboy'.

I think you've got the gist...Jake's created quite the name for himself. His successes are apparent in his zest for life.. “I'm happier than a cowpoke in a saloon full o' purty buckarettes...yepppasiree!”

Having ridden alongside 'buckaroos' on some of the biggest ranches in Canada, I recall the ranch staff worrying whether we could meet his expectations. We were all pleasantly surprised the minute he entered the main lodge, when his warm smile radiated nothing but patience, charm and kindness. Silly us! That’s exactly what we should have expected from a man whose passion is to entertain children.

Dressed from head to toe (as above) in western attire, Jake eased right into the Chilcotin lifestyle, sipping his coffee on the front porch. His boots lay lazily stacked as he crossed his denim-clad legs, sitting back and fondly breathing in the fresh air. I could sense his deep appreciation for the country.

Jake's perpetual love for the cowboy way was infectious as his charismatic story telling abilities captivated the other guests. Group trail rides were anticipated, and as they rode through the countryside, all heads were cocked in an attempt to learn of his adventures over the horse's clopping hooves.

Over hearty, chef-prepared meals, Jake would tell of his experiences eating chow from the camp cook out on the range (you know, the real deal!). “There's a condiment wheel/lazy-susan style on the grub table so no one has to ask anyone tuh pass anythin', meanin' they's not into any palaver whatsoever and they kin jest turn the wheel and git what tis' they needs.” With a sparkle in his eye, he'd explain to the guests what it's like to participate in a cattle drive with cattle as far as the eye can see - the thrill of riding days and days in unspoiled, rugged wilderness. “Big ranches have cowcamps which are camps out on the range where the buckaroos and buckarettes stay lookin' after the herds. Yup, they's out there being tophands too...there's a cookshack and bunkhouse (if buckarettes are hired they have separate accommodation). These are purty rustic and the hands turn in purty early every day since their days are long and hard. They's usually up well 'fore daylight and have tuh git their cowpony caught and tacked in the dark... give it a feed 'fore they head for the cookshack for breakfast. Not much if any cowpoke conversation so early in the morn...mostly grunts and head tosses.”

His stories leave us all fascinated and absorbed with the ways of the west….perfect for a guest ranch holiday. When we would all hit the hay at night, we'd dream of what adventures tomorrow would bring.
Thank you Jake, for sharing such an intriguing passion with the staff and guests at Elkin Creek Guest Ranch, and for your buckaroo charm and Wild West dialect.

On behalf of Jake Conkin, we would like to recommend his books. To learn more about Jake and his books, please visit his website at http://www.littlejake.tv/. Also, keep your eyes peeled this spring as the Little Jake webisodes are set to air on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.

For anyone who wants to give Elkin Creek Guest Ranch a go themselves, saddle up for an incredible ride. 2010 offers lots of exciting events and weekend getaways. Giddy-up!

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